Although my backpack usually weighs around 7-8kg on long walks I want to carry even less this time, so I've bought a new backpack - a
K-Way ProLite 30lt - that weighs about 630g from the
Cape Union Mart. The old one was a 35lt pack and weighed twice as much at 1,260g.
"The bigger the sack, the more you'll pack" is a favourite backpackers mantra so I'm intending to pack less this time.
My Colibri aluminium sleepingbag weighs 600g but I've decided that it is also too heavy and have ordered a new sleeping bag from the
Silk Sleeping Bag Company in England that weighs 220g, is 210 x 85cm and costs £23. So, the combined weight of backpack and sleeping bag is about 850g.