Sunday, April 15, 2012

Ultreïa ! Ultreïa ! E sus eia Deus adjuva nos !

Tous les matins nous prenons le chemin,
Tous les matins nous allons plus loin.
Jour après jour, St Jacques nous appelle,
C’est la voix de Compostelle.

Ultreïa ! Ultreïa ! E sus eia Deus adjuva nos !

Chemin de terre et chemin de Foi,
Voie millénaire de l’Europe,
La voie lactée de Charlemagne,
C’est le chemin de tous mes jacquets.

Ultreïa ! Ultreïa ! E sus eia Deus adjuva nos !

Et tout là-bas au bout du continent,
Messire Jacques nous attend,
Depuis toujours son sourire fixe,
Le soleil qui meurt au Finistère.

Ultreïa ! Ultreïa ! E sus eia Deus adjuva nos !

A chaque pas, nous devenons des frères
Patron St Jacques, la main dans la main
Chemin de Foi, chemin de lumière
Voie millénaire des pèlerins.

Ultreïa ! Ultreïa ! E sus eia Deus adjuva nos !

Mr St Jacques écoutez notre appel
Des Pyrénées à Compostelle,
Dirigez nous du pied de cet autel, I
ci-bas et jusqu’au Ciel. Ultreïa !

Ultreïa ! E sus eia Deus adjuva nos !

Paroles et musique Jean-Claude Benazet



Thursday, April 05, 2012

SLOW CAMINO 2013 - for people with disabilities

SLOW CAMINO - May/June 2013

Over the years many people with disabilities have expressed their regret at not being physically able to walk a Camino. 
In fact, every year more and more people with disabilities are doing Caminos - on crutches, with walkers, in wheelchairs and hand cycles.  Many manage to walk the last 100km to Santiago and earn their Compostela certificate.
It is not an impossible dream!

A wonderful woman (with multiple sclerosis) who walked the last 114km from Sarria using her Rollator helped me tremendously with the chapter on disability in my Camino planning guide YOUR CAMINO.  She planned on doing her Camino in 3 weeks but ended up racing to the end and finished it in 2 weeks.

Most guide books suggest daily stages of between 20km and 30km.  This is far beyond the capabilities of people with lateral paralysis or muscular disorders. 
In order to earn the Compostela - a certificate of completion - pilgrims have to walk the last 100km (or cycle the last 200km) to Santiago.   There is no time restriction on how long it takes to walk the last 100km.  It makes no difference if it takes you 4 days or 24 days.

If you have a physical disability and can only walk about 8km in a day (1km to 1.5km per hour) it will take you less than two weeks to reach Santiago from the 100km mark.  Add a couple of rest days and most people with a disability can acheive their dreams of walking to Santiago in 15 or 16 days.

Through amaWalkers Camino (Pty) Ltd, I have decided to offer an accompanied Slow Camino walk on the Camino Frances from the 100km mark to Santiago for people with disabilities next year.  Unfortunately, I can't include pilgrims in wheelchairs at this stage as we would need vehicle back up for each pilgrim and other types of support which I can't provide - yet, but am not ruling out the possibility of organising one for wheelchair pilgrims at a later date.

If you have a disability, can walk about 8km in a day and are interested in joining our assisted group walk next spring, please visit  for more information.