A significant part of the events have been organised by the Ministry of Culture though the SECC, Spain's state company for cultural commemoration and in collaboration with the autonomous regions of the Jacobeo Council.
During this year there will also be a special ceremonial opening of the "Camino's" principal monuments, thanks to the agreements signed between the Jacobeo Council and the Church, which owns the majority of the monuments on the Way of St James. To date, the initiative has been joined by the autonomous regions of Asturias, Catalonia, Castilla y León, Aragon, Galicia, La Rioja, Navarre , Cantabria and the Basque Country.
There are also a few 'unusual' events this year!
In the albergues in La Rioja, free monodois grape cream for walkers will be delivered. This Holy Year, the Government of La Rioja has thought to alleviate some of the most common problems for walkers: tiredness and sore feet.
The cream was prepared in a cosmetic laboratory in Rioja and has passed all health checks. It is a decongestant and moisturizer for the feet, relaxing because it contains essential oils of lavender, rosemary and mint, and also grape extract.
This laboratory has a long experience in making wine therapy creams. The cream for the pilgrims' feet is based on the virtues of the grape seeds, whose properties help cell regeneration, detoxify the skin and helping to improve blood circulation. The Government of La Rioja has 100,000 samples to be delivered free to the pilgrims who carry credentials from February in community shelters.

Not to be outdone, in Navarre you can get a 'Ruta del Vino' credencial to have stamped at wineries and accommodation on the 'Wine Route' between Pamplona and Logrono. You'll earn rewards for the number of stamps you get in your credencial - discounts on wines, meals and even a room for two at a top hotel.
Read more here:
“2010 se hace el camino” Exhibition ("2010 makes the Way")
This exhibition includes a selection of works based on the journeys of national and international contemporary artists. The exhibition is scheduled to take place from June to October 2010 and will be divided into five or six centres, based on the autonomous regions involved:
• Aragon: San Juan de la Peña Monastery, Huesca.
• Asturias: Banco Herrero exhibition hall, Oviedo.
• Galicia: Museo do Mar (Sea Museum), Vigo
• Navarre: Navarre Museum
• Basque Country: Santa María de Vitoria-Gasteiz Cathedral.
“Stories along the Way”
A project dedicated to the revival and study of folklore literature and the popular stories about The Way of St James. The initiative will be spread by national and international storytellers who will give performances in hostels and town squares along the Way. The project includes the production and issue of a CD of a selection of stories that will be distributed by the hostels.
• Aragon: Hostels: Jaca, Santa Cilia, Arrés, Artieda and Undués de Lerda / Public Squares: Canfranc, Villanúa, Berdún, Martes and Maianos.
• Asturias: Hostels: Gijón, Tineo, Avilés, Rivadesella and Navia.
• Galicia: Hostels: Triacastela, Portomarín, Palas de Rei, Ribadiso, o Pino (Arca), Monte de Gozo (Santiago de Compostela), Ribadeo, Mondoñedo, Bahamonde, Sobrado Dos Monxes, Neda, Bruma, Tui, Redondela, Padrón, A Gudiña, Xunquiera de Ámbía, A Laxe (Lalín), Camping Medelo (Silleda), Oliveiroa, Fisterra, Padrón (A Consagrada) and Lugo.
• Basque Country: Irún, Pasai Donibane, Donostia, Orio, Zarautz, Deba, Beasaín, Salvatierra, Alegría, Pórtico de la Catedral de Vitoria.
Souvenir Publication “The Way of St James”
Published by the SECC, this anthology brings together a selection of pictures by the photographer Xurxo Lobato, that show the architecture, landscape, countryside, habitat and human factors that represent the Way of St James. The publication includes texts from every era chosen by Miguel Murado, which provide a chronological tour of the Jacobean culture and history of the Way.
Las huellas de la Barraca (Footprints of La Barraca)
The 2010 edition of “Las huellas de la Barraca” (Footprints of La Barraca) will be dedicated to the Año Santo Xacobeo. The SECC organised a competition among the Spanish and Latin American theatre schools and schools of dramatic arts, from which several different groups will be selected to perform in different villages along the Way during July and August. All the groups worked on subjects relating to the Año Santo Xacobeo.
Series of Classical Music Concerts.
In July a series of concerts will be performed to showcase spiritual and sacred music from across Europe and throughout the ages of the Way of St James based on a selection of groups and musical pieces by Pablo Álvarez de Eulate. The programme by autonomous region is as follows:
• Aragon
- Echoes of a Battle. Roncesvalles, Orreaga, Roncevaux. Performed by:Ensemble Durendal. Venue: Jaca Cathedral. Date: July 2010
- Medieval dances and poems. Performed by: Ars Combinatoria. Dir. Canco López. Venue: Church of Canfranc. Date: July 2010.
- Dowland, Sermisy, Attaignant, Pisador, D. Ortiz, Monteverdi, Johan Sebastián Bach . Performed by: Jose Miguel Moreno (vihuela) and Raquel Andueza (soprano). Venue: San Juan de la Peña Monastery. Date: From 2 to 19 July 2010.
• Asturias
- Music from the Way of St James. Performed by: Elena Gragera (Mezzosoprano) and Antón Cardó (Piano). Venue: Basílica de Santa María (Llanes). Date: July 2010.
- Medieval Dances and Poems. Performed by: Ars Combinatoria. Dir. Canco López. Venue: Basílica de Santa María (Llanes). Date: July 2010 .
- Homo Viator. Performed by: Psalterium. Venue: Basílica de Santa María (Llanes). Date: Saturdays during first half of July.
• Catalonia
- Music from the Way of St James. Performed by: Odhecaton. Venue: Montserrat Monastery. Date: July 2010.
- Medieval Dances and Poems. Performed by: Ars Combinatoria. Venue: San Pere de Rodas. Date: July 2010.
- Medieval Dances and Poems. Performed by: Ars Combinatoria. Venue: Claustro Monestir Santa Maria de L´Estany. Date: July 2010.
• Galicia
- Festival Via Stellae. A variety of shows in different Galician locations. Performed by: Jose Miguel Moreno (vihuela) and Raquel Andueza (soprano); Speculum; Odhecaton Dir. Paolo da Col. Date: July 2010.
• Basque Country
- Misa Sancti Iacobi de Dufay. Performed by: Odhecaton Dir. Paolo da Col. Venue: Santa Maria Katedrala – Vitoria/Gasteiz . Date: 17 July 2010.
- Misa Peregrina, La puerta del Paraíso (Pilgrim's Mass, The door to Paradise). Performed by: Speculum. Venue: Santa Maria Katedrala – Vitoria/Gasteiz. Date: 3 or 10 July 2010 (awaiting confirmation).
- Medieval Dances and Poems. Performed by: Ars Combinatoria. Dir. Canco López. Venue: Santa Maria Katedrala – Vitoria/Gasteiz. Date: 24 or 31 July 2010.(awaiting confirmation)
Info from: http://www.eu2010.es
1. Contemporary Way
The exhibition projects of a more contemporary way
2. Path of spirituality
To celebrate the spiritual experience of the Way
3. Camino de la cuisine
Promotion of Galician cuisine in the world
4. Path of spirituality
To celebrate the spiritual experience of the Way
5. Musical path
Major festivals, Galician music, emerging projects, ...
6. Road reflection
Conferences and debates reflection generators
7. Way of the performing arts
Dance, theater, magic shows, acrobatics, ...
8. Audiovisual Road
Film projects, animation and visual image
Calendar 2010 what's coming
9. Road sports
Activities and sports projects
10. Child Road
Projects related to children
11. Xacobeo Raíces (Music • Folk music)
03/06/2010 - 05/08/2010
12. Concert: Luz Casal Music • Pop-rock)
05/28/2010 - 05/29/2010
13. Xacobeo Filme (Series and Festivals)
01/07/2010 - 12/21/2010
14. Compostela and Europe
(Exhibitions • Contemporary arts)
15. icia Ao Vivo (Music)
16. The worlds of Gonzalo Torrente Ballester
(Exhibitions • Contemporary arts)
03/24/2010 - 04/25/2010
Fundación Caixa Galicia, Ferrol
17. El médico a palos, Pinchacarneiro Company
(Theatre) 04/08/2010 - 06/11/2010
Auditorio Gustavo Freire, Lugo
18. Festival Sónar Galicia (Series and Festivals)
06/17/2010 - 06/19/2010 EXPOCoruña
19. Alondra Bentley (Music • Indie music)
04/17/2010 - 21:00
Fundación Caixa Galicia, Pontevedra
20. Saturday Night Fever (Music)
04/15/2010 - 04/18/2010
Centro Social Caixanova, Pontevedra
21. "Momentum" by Mayumana (Shows)
22. Ciclo Xacobeo Importa (Series and Festivals)
23. Xacobeo Classics
(Music • Classical music)
1/07/2010 - 12/23/2010
Possibly the most ambitious music programme in the domain of classical music that has ever taken place in Galicia, both for its willingness to reach all audiences in all four Galician provinces and for the quantity and quality of the options presented. From January to December 2010 more than forty shows will take place, covering the main seven Galician cities as well as other 10 towns. In that sense, the programme aims at the decentralization of the Xacobeo activities, turning the whole Galicia into a unique, diverse and plural space.
The programme will bring Galicia back into the circuit of the great international music events, bringing for the very first time renowned stars such as Cecilia Bartoli, Anne Sophie-Mutter, Lang Lang or Dolora Zajick. It has also been conceived to reinforce the pre-existing programmes, consolidating them by making some of these concerts take place in collaboration with festivals, series and programmes that already existed, thus adding an extra appeal to them, without forgetting Galician creators.
Throughout the year several specific projects, conceived to revalue the maturity obtained by Galician orchestras during this last decade, will take place with events like Verdi's "Réquiem" that will be performed by the OSG along with one of the best choruses in Europe, the Orfeón Donostiarra, and four unbeatable soloists; or like Bruckner's "Mass in F minor " to be performed by the Royal Philharmonic as the finale to the 2010 activities.
Especial attention has been paid in the programme to Galician music, both in its historical side (through the recovery of the opera "O Mariscal" from the composer Eduardo Rodríguez-Losada and the great poet Ramón Cabanillas) and in its current one (with a tribute-series to the dean of Galician creators, Rogelio Groba, on the occasion of his 80th anniversary; the recovery of the chamber series of the Asociación Galega de Compositores, and the premiere of one of the best current composers: a violin concerto by Octavio Vázquez).
Tickets for Xacobeo Classics will be available at Servinova (Caixanova):
Or at Caixa Galicia:
Mark Knopfler in Concert in Spain
July 23 to 30 2010 The Dire Straights front man Mark Knopfler in a series of concerts in Spain
July 23 Fri
Pavelló Olimpic de BadalonaBadalona, Barcelona,
July 25 Sun
Plaza de Toros de CórdobaCordoba, Cordoba,
July 28 Wed
Multiusos Fontes do SarSantiago de Compostela, A Coruña,
July 29 Thu
Plaza de Toros de las VentasMadrid, Madrid,
July 30 Fri
Plaza de Toros de BilbaoBilbao, Vizcaya,
Sonar 2010, Catalonia and Galicia
283 artists will be performing including Chemical Brothers LCD Soundsystem at Air.
This year, for the first time in seventeen years, the famous festival will also play out in Galicia.
And Sonar has been chosen as a representative among the cultural activities taking place to celebrate the event.
"Santiago, a meeting point. Masterpieces from the Cathedral and Caixa Galicia in Santiago de Compostela"
Exhibition halls - Sede Fundación Caixa Galicia Santiago - SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA. April 29, 2010 to November 7, 2010
Exposure Santiago, a meeting point. Masterpieces from the Cathedral and Caixa Galicia brings together a total of 58 artworks in various formats, from funds of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and Caixa Galicia Collection. The works away by centuries of history, are spread through ten showrooms facing them, for the first time in open, offering a showcase of exceptional parallels. The See Fundación Caixa Galicia in Santiago de Compostela, which houses the exhibition, he became one of the leaders of the old town of Compostela in this Xacobeo 2010 with this neat exhibition, curated by Juan Monterroso, Enrique Fernandez and Ramon Castiñeiras Yzquierdo. Until November 7 enjoy works never before displayed outside the Cathedral of anonymous medieval or Maestro Mateo, and more recent gems, signing artists like Dali, Picasso, "Santiago, a meeting point."
Every day, from 12:00 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 21:00 h.
Guided tours for the general public Tuesdays and Saturdays at 19:30 Sundays, 12:30 pm