couch potato fast approaching middle age.

1996: My friend Phyllis decided that we should

Yeah, yeah!
No body would believe that us two old crocks would do it so we started training in secret. Day after day, week after week until the big day of the BIG WALK arrived. What and achievement!! 11 hours and 1 minute! We even beat the great Bruce Fordyce by about 3 hours overall. Afterwards I said, ‘NEVER AGAIN!

1997: So proud of my new found ability to walk a long distance I went to Johannesburg and did the 42,2km Johannesburg Big Walk.
A month later I met Marion and she, Linda and I walked the 50km Guardbank Ultra along the same route. Eish!! That was a loooooo....ng way. My back ached. My legs throbbed. My feet were frot. And I said: "NEVER again!"

In April 1998 I went to England with Clare & Brian and we walked the

"NO MORE LONG DISTANCE WALKS FOR ME!" I said. " No Sireee! Nothing over 42km from now on."
Later that year.......
In August 1998 I joined a group of 8 crazy ladies from Highway Athletics and we started training to walk the Capital to Coast 80km Ultra. (Once again along the Comrades route from Pietermaritzburg to Durban). Finn (my ever patient, supportive husband) seconded us the whole day with a boot full of food, tea/coffee/coke as well as muscle rubs, plasters etc.
Our bus broke up along the route and I ended up coming in with Glynis and Gail in 11 hours and 3 minutes. Afterwar

" 80 kilometres!! I must be mad!

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